Category Archives: Internet Technology

Docker common commands list with examples

Docker common commands: Image repository commands, Local image manage commands, Container manage commands, Container lifecycle manage commands … Continue reading

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How to run a script in the background in Linux

This article shares how to run scripts in the background of linux, and how to use the shell’s built-in commands to control scripts during running … Continue reading

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nohup command tutorial in linux/unix with examples and use cases

When the linux nohup command is used to run jobs (scripts) in the background, it can ignore the hangup signal and cooperate with output redirection to achieve long-term jobs (scripts) run in the background. Continue reading

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setsid command tutorial in linux/unix with examples and use cases

Linux setsid command is usually used when you need to run scripts in the background. It is not affected by the terminal hangup signal. Continue reading

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How to support uploading webp format image files in wordpress

webp upload in wordpress: In function.php, add the add_filter function to support webp format image upload, and add the preview function in the media library. Continue reading

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How to display images in wordpress after changing a new domain

WordPress domain replacement method:
1. Change “WordPress Address (URL)” and “Site Address (URL)” in wp_options;
2.Replace domain names in wp_posts table. Continue reading

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Share some linux prank commands

linux prank commands:
– linux sl command
– linux cowsay/cowthink commands,
– linux cmatrix command
– linux figlet / toilet commands
– linux yes command
– linux oneke command Continue reading

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linux groups command tutorial: groups syntax and groups examples

linux groups command – print the groups a user is in. Examples:View the currently logged in user or the group to which the specified user belongs Continue reading

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How to configure multiple sites on nginx and bind different domain names

A Linux server uses nginx and supports multiple domain names without affecting each other. Can save server resources and improve resource utilization. Continue reading

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Google Analytics adds website tracking code

Google Analytics adds website tracking code. Enter the Admin page, click the tracking info menu, the tracking code submenu, and you can see the tracking code. Continue reading

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How to split screen for mac iterm2

Iterm2 split screen – increased productivity. How to split screen for mac iterm2 ? Vertical split screen: command + d Horizontal split screen: command + shift + d Other hotkey Add a new tab: command + t Close tab: command … Continue reading

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WordPress security – Hide and protect the WP admin background login wp-login.php

We can also restrict access or hide this login entry based on the security of the account username and password. Some plugins have this capability, and some plugins such as Limit Login Attempts can be set to limit the number … Continue reading

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How to check which group the specify user belongs to

This article shares how to view the current login user of Linux system, how to view the current user’s group, and how to view the specified user’s group. Continue reading

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How to remove directory or file using the command line in Linux system

linux rm command can remove directory or file. If the permissions of the file do not permit writing, and the standard input device is a terminal, the user is prompted (on the standard error output) for confirmation. About linux file … Continue reading

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linux chmod/chown syntax and chmod/chown examples

linux chmod change file modes or Access Control Lists. chmod [options] mode file;linux chown change file owner and group. chown [options] owner[:group] file Continue reading

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