Category Archives: Internet Technology

Trade war! China’s strong stance

China’s strong stance: Talk, the door is open; fight, accompany to the end!

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About China Internet company 996

996 : 9 am, 9 pm, 6 days a week, no extra labor. 996, mainly because Chinese Internet companies are uncertain about the future, they need to constantly try new products, try and wrong product directions, and derive the future. … Continue reading

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Jack Ma 996 669

Jack Ma said: We emphasize the spirit of 996 in our work and 669 in our life. What is 669? Six days, six times, the key is durability.

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HTTPS certificate installation

Here is a good news to everyone, my website supports https. Free certificate provider used Let’s Encrypt. How to get the installation, there is a detailed tutorial on Let’s Encrypt. Let’s Encrypt recommend that most people with shell access … Continue reading

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man manual content export to file

Usually when the terminal command exports files, we will use >, >>. > : overwrite mode >> : append mode Example: Sometimes, however, export files contain some control symbols. Example: The export file contains ^H. (^H = Backspace) How to … Continue reading

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Efficient meeting

We often have meetings to communicate during the development of the project, so it is very important to have an efficient meeting. Today, let’s discuss how to conduct an efficient meeting. Before starting the meeting, we should first clarify several … Continue reading

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Internet Project Organization Structure And Project Flow

1. Project Organization Structure

2. Project Flow Continue reading

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How to be financially free

Financial freedom can be said to be the dream of all people. What is financial freedom? Financial freedom generally means having enough savings, investments and cash on hand to afford the lifestyle we want for ourselves and our families and … Continue reading

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mac php nginx mysql

As a back-end development, you often use a local development environment. Here I install the php + nginx + mysql development environment through the mac brew package management command. For MAC brew usage, see mac homebrew. Install PHP Success. Installation … Continue reading

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mac homebrew

As a loyal fan of Linux system, I have used Ubuntu and Centos, apt package management and Yum package management, which are very convenient. After switching to mac, although Mac has App Store, as a development, I still prefer to … Continue reading

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ffmpeg video to image

– specify video time interception image

– Output one image every second

– Output one image every minute

– use the select filter for a set of custom ranges Continue reading

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a mini parrotfish play

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fmpeg -filter_complex move image

– Image move from bottom to top in videos
– Video with image in the middle
– Start zooming in the middle of the picture

– Using ffmpeg video to GIF Continue reading

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How does my website get flow ???

Content ? Valuable original content?


Wordpress SEO optimization ?


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Why 0.1+0.2=0.30000000000000004(floating point number addition)

From the how-to-store-numbers-in-javascript, we know that Now we get 0.2 by the same way, Now we operate by the following steps:

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