Category Archives: Monitor

System status monitoring commands and common problem solutions, including load, memory, network, etc.

Best Practices for Sorting with the Top Command in Linux/Unix

The top command is a powerful utility in Linux and Unix-like systems for monitoring system processes and resource usage. It displays a dynamic, real-time view of a running system, including the processes that are consuming the most resources. Here are … Continue reading

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How does the top command sort by memory in linux/unix

Linux top sort by memory can help us find out which processes use more memory. It has two ways to sort memory: top -o option and top interactive mode. Continue reading

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htop – linux/unix monitoring tool usage example

htop is an interactive system-monitor process-viewer and process-manager, it shows a frequently updated list of the processes running on a computer, normally ordered by the amount of CPU usage. Continue reading

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How to use top command to monitor cpu usage in linux/unix

Linux top command monitor CPU: to monitor system CPU usage, to monitor the usage of multiple cores of the system CPU, to sort by cpu usage ascending/descending Continue reading

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Linux common commands tutorial and use examples

Linux Commands Tutorial
1. Linux common directory command list
2. Linux file operations commands
3. Linux file permissions commands
4. Linux file content view commands
5. Linux text processing commands
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How to use top sort by cpu and by memory in linux

top sort in linux. examples: top sort by CPU in linux, top sort by memory in linux, top sort by pid in linux, top command supports sorted fields… Continue reading

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Linux top command tutorial: top syntax and top examples

Linux top command is frequently used in daily production, and is mainly used to view load, resource conditions, and process and thread conditions. Continue reading

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Linux load average high, Java project

Linux load problems, in daily development, often suffer from us; below to sort out several factors that lead to changes in Linux load. Case 1: CPU high, Load high 1. Use the top command to find the process PID that … Continue reading

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