Category Archives: System

System commands, mainly related to the system itself, such as: env, uname, etc.

Best Practices for Sorting with the Top Command in Linux/Unix

The top command is a powerful utility in Linux and Unix-like systems for monitoring system processes and resource usage. It displays a dynamic, real-time view of a running system, including the processes that are consuming the most resources. Here are … Continue reading

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What does /bin/sh -c do in Linux

To solve the problem of command permission, you can expand the scope of permission. Next, we will introduce it to you with an example. For example, there is a root file (admin.log) in the current directory, and we want to … Continue reading

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man command tutorial in linux/unix with examples

Man command in Linux/unix is used to display the user manual of any command we can run on the terminal. Continue reading

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help command tutorial in linux/unix with examples

Help command can help you understand any built-in commands in linux/unix. Syntax: help name, name: built-in function name. Continue reading

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5 ways to get command help in linux/unix

How to get command help while working on Shell ? 1.command -h or –help command command command 5.whatis command Continue reading

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Examples of brace expansion in linux/unix

Bracket expansion in linux/unix can help us generate multiple strings in batches, which are mainly used in the command line or shell script. Continue reading

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lsof command tutorial in linux/unix with examples and use cases

The lsof command can not only view the files and directories opened by the process, but also view the socket-related information such as the port the process is listening on. Continue reading

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I/O redirect in linux/unix with examples

I/O redirection is a process that captures the output of a command, application, or script, and then sends the captured output as input to a file, command, or script. Continue reading

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pipeline in linux/unix with examples

Pipeline is an inter-process communication in Linux and other Unix-like operating systems, similar to redirection, which transmits standard output to other target locations. Continue reading

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df command tutorial in linux/unix with examples and use cases

linux df command – report file system disk space usage linux df command displays the amount of disk space available on the file system containing each file name argument.  If no file name is given, the space available on all … Continue reading

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du command tutorial in linux/unix with examples and use cases

Linux du command – estimate file space usage Linux du command recursively summarizes the disk usage of a file or directory. Syntax Options -0, –null end each output line with NUL, not newline -a, –all    write counts for all … Continue reading

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Linux common commands tutorial and use examples

Linux Commands Tutorial
1. Linux common directory command list
2. Linux file operations commands
3. Linux file permissions commands
4. Linux file content view commands
5. Linux text processing commands
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Printenv command tutorial in linux/unix with examples and use cases

linux printenv command – Print the values ​​of the specified environment VARIABLE (s). If no VARIABLE is specified, print name and value pairs for them all. Continue reading

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env command tutorial in linux/unix with examples and use cases

The env command executes another program after modifying the environment as specified. When the env is used without parameters, it prints a list of current environment variables. Continue reading

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which command tutorial in linux/unix with examples and use cases

Linux which command does this by searching the PATH for executable files matching the names of the arguments. It returns the pathnames of the files (or links) which would be executed in the current environment. Continue reading

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