Category Archives: Awk Command

AWK Command Tutorial: Common Usage Examples

Awk Tutorial: Syntax, Examples in Linux/Unix

Awk is a powerful text processing command for data processing and report generation in Linux/Unix. It supports variables, functions, conditional judgments, and loops. Awk has a three-part workflow: BEGIN, pattern matching, and END. It offers numerous built-in variables and functions, custom functions, and can handle multiple delimiters, substrings, splits, and conditional statements. Examples illustrate common uses. Continue reading

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Best Practices for Using awk -F in Linux/Unix

awk -F: Best Practices When using the -F option in awk to specify the input field separator, there are some best practices that can help you process data more effectively. Here are some best practices for using the -F option: … Continue reading

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Awk If Else: Multiple Condition Judgment Examples

Awk if else condition judgment statement is to provide command branch control, awk if else syntax: if(condition) { action 1 } else { action 2 } … Continue reading

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Text Processing Mastery with awk, sed, and grep: Tips, Syntax, and Examples

awk, sed and grep are powerful command-line utilities in Unix-like operating systems, each designed for different text processing tasks. Here’s an overview of each tool along with some examples: Awk awk is a scripting language that is particularly good for … Continue reading

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`AWK` Command Examples for String Matching and Processing In Linux

In Linux, awk is a powerful text processing tool that can be used to match strings and output them. Here are some basic awk command examples for matching strings and outputting related lines or parts of content: This will output … Continue reading

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Awk – F parameter tutorial

The awk command is a powerful text processing tool that allows for effective manipulation of structured text data. It is commonly used to read data from files or pipelines, process the data, and then output the results. One of the … Continue reading

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Awk BEGIN/END tutorial

In AWK, the BEGIN and END blocks are special code blocks that are executed before and after processing the input, respectively. These blocks are useful for initializing variables, performing cleanup operations, or generating summary reports. Syntax: The syntax for BEGIN … Continue reading

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Awk time functions: systime, mktime, strftime

Awk time functions: systime, mktime, strftime. systime: systimeGet the timestamp; mktime: Create the timestamp; strftime: Format the time … Continue reading

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Awk built-in functions: split, tolower, toupper, sprintf

Awk built-in functions: split, tolower, toupper, sprintf. Splits the parameter specified by the String parameter into the array elements … Continue reading

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Awk built-in functions: index, match, length

Awk’s built-in string processing function is the one we use most.we share with you: index, match, length Continue reading

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Awk built-in functions: gsub, sub, substr

Awk’s built-in string processing function is the one we use most. Today, we share with you: gsub, sub, substr. Continue reading

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awk print function in linux

Awk print function is a built-in function of awk, used for prints its arguments on the standard output (or on a file if > file or >> file is present or on a pipe if | cmd is present). Syntax … Continue reading

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Awk built-in functions – mathematical functions

awk supports the following built-in mathematical functions: atan2, cos, exp, log, sin, and sqrt. Continue reading

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Awk built-in variables and custom variables

In awk, variables are divided into two types: built-in variables and user-defined variables. Continue reading

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How to find empty lines in files in Linux

In Linux, there are three ways to find empty lines in files using grep and awk commands. Continue reading

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