Category Archives: Awk Command

AWK Command Tutorial: Common Usage Examples

How to convert a string to lowercase in Linux?

This section describes how to use sed, awk, TR commands to convert strings to lowercase in Linux Continue reading

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Awk classic case – awk analysis of nginx access logs

Awk classic case – awk analysis of nginx access logs.Count top visits and the number of visits in the most recent time. Continue reading

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awk replace statement and examples

Awk replace statement can help us format the input data conveniently. Use of awk string manipulation functions: gsub() Continue reading

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awk tutorial: awk multiple conditions

Awk supports if else conditions judgment, and multiple conditions operations with && (and) or || (or) can be used. Continue reading

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How to use awk concatenate string in linux/unix

Awk concatenated strings, you can use awk OFS variables, or you can use strings directly. syntax: awk’BEING {s1=”string1″;s2=”string2″;OFS=”delimiter”;print s1,s2;}’ Continue reading

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How to use awk to select substring in linux/unix

Awk substr has built-in functions that can help us select substrings anywhere in the input string. awk substr syntax: substr(string, start, lenght) Continue reading

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awk ternary condition judgment and examples

Awk ternary condition judgment is similar to the awk if else statement, providing branch control capability. Ternary syntax: ( Statement ) ? True : False ; Continue reading

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awk OFS field separator with examples

Awk OFS field separator variable, output field separator. It is a pair with the Awk FS variable; awk FS separates strings as fields, and awk OFS connection fields as strings. Continue reading

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awk FS field separate with examples

awk separate string, you can use awk FS variable or awk -F option to support single delimiter and multiple delimiter regular matching. Continue reading

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awk array operations with examples

Awk array, it supports associative array, the index is a number or a string. awk array syntax: array_name[index]=value Continue reading

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How to remove lines with specific line number from text file with awk or sed in Linux/unix

Remove specific line numbers in linux/unix, use awk NR variable to delete a specific line numbers, use sed command action option “d” to delete a specific line numbers Continue reading

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How to remove the first line of a text file using the linux command line?

remove the first line: use awk NR variable, awk ‘{if(NR>1){print $0}}’ file ; use sed action option d, sed ‘1d’ file; use tail n option, tail -n +2 file Continue reading

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How to delete empty lines in a text file in linux/unix

To delete blank lines in a text file, you can use awk NF variable, awk regular expression, sed regular expression and grep -v ‘^$’ Continue reading

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How to delete lines containing a specific string in a text file in linux/unix

Delete lines containing a specific string in a text file, we have three implementation methods: sed -i ‘/ pattern/d’, grep -v ‘pattern’ and awk ‘!/pattern/ {print $0}’ Continue reading

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How to print tree directory structure in linux/unix

Print tree directory structure in linux.

Print the tree directory structure using the tree command;
Print multilevel tree directory structure using the find and awk combined Continue reading

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