Category Archives: Sed Command

Sed Command Tutorial: Common Usage Examples

Sed tutorial in linux/unix with examples and use cases

sed is a stream editor.

1. sed workflow
2. hold space and pattern space explain
3. sed syntax
4. sed debug tool
5. sed example
sed add/del/replace … Continue reading

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How to convert a string to lowercase in Linux?

This section describes how to use sed, awk, TR commands to convert strings to lowercase in Linux Continue reading

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sed tutorial: sed replace

Sed replace, you can use the sed function: s, replace the text in the file. syntax: ➜ ~ sed ‘s/regexp/replacement/’ file Continue reading

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sed tutorial: sed insert line before match

Sed insert a line before match, you can use the sed function: i, add a new line before the matched string. syntax: sed ‘/option/i newLine’ file Continue reading

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sed tutorial: sed add line after match

sed add line after match, you use sed function: a , to add a new line after the matched string. syntax: sed ‘/option/a newLine’ file Continue reading

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How to find and replace specified string with sed in linux/unix

find and replace content in linux: Use the grep command and sed command to search and replace, Use the find command and sed command to find files and replace Continue reading

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sed tutorial: sed in-place editing(-i option) with examples

Sed -i option, in-place editing of files, and can edit the operation file while the terminal does not output the sed execution result. Continue reading

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How to remove lines with specific line number from text file with awk or sed in Linux/unix

Remove specific line numbers in linux/unix, use awk NR variable to delete a specific line numbers, use sed command action option “d” to delete a specific line numbers Continue reading

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sed tutorial: sed append command

The sed append command can add a new line before or after the specified matching line. We do this by using sed a and i options command. Continue reading

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sed tutorial: sed address and address range(select lines) with examples

sed address and address range tutorial, by using addresses or address ranges, the sed command can apply certain actions to these address lines. Continue reading

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How to use sed to replace multiple patterns at once in linux/unix?

sed is a powerful streaming text editor, and replace pattern is one of the most used functions. This article introduces how to replace multiple patterns at once with sed. Continue reading

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How to remove the first line of a text file using the linux command line?

remove the first line: use awk NR variable, awk ‘{if(NR>1){print $0}}’ file ; use sed action option d, sed ‘1d’ file; use tail n option, tail -n +2 file Continue reading

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How to delete empty lines in a text file in linux/unix

To delete blank lines in a text file, you can use awk NF variable, awk regular expression, sed regular expression and grep -v ‘^$’ Continue reading

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How to delete lines containing a specific string in a text file in linux/unix

Delete lines containing a specific string in a text file, we have three implementation methods: sed -i ‘/ pattern/d’, grep -v ‘pattern’ and awk ‘!/pattern/ {print $0}’ Continue reading

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How to replace strings in files in the Linux command line

There are many ways to replace strings in Linux. You can use vim/vi to edit files, you can also use the sed command to replace, or you can search for all files to be replaced and replace them. Continue reading

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