List directories recursively in linux/unix

Recursive listing of directories can help us begin to understand the current directory structure.

In linux/unix, we can use any of the following commands to list files and directories recursively:

Use the ls command to recursively list directories

Type the following command list subdirectories recursively using the ls command:

ls -R .
ls -Rl .

Use the find command to recursively list directories

 find . -type d
 find . -ls
 find . -print

Use the du command to recursively list directories

du -a .
0	./dir/subDir/a/b
0	./dir/subDir/a
0	./dir/subDir
0	./dir
0	.

Use the tree command to recursively list directories

└── dir
    └── subDir
        └── a
            └── b

4 directories, 0 files

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