How to remove directories in linux/unix

To remove/delete directories (folders), we can use the rm command and the rmdir command.

  • rmdir 
    a command-line utility for deleting empty directories
  • rm
    remove directories and their contents recursively

In this tutorial, we will show you how to use the rm and rmdir commands to remove directories in Linux/Unix.

Use rmdir or rm -d to delete an empty directory, followed by the name of the directory
➜  rmdir emptyDir

➜  rm -d emptyDir

Use the rm command -r option to recursively delete a non-empty directory and all files in it
➜  rm -r nonEmptyDir

Use the rm -r command to delete multiple directories at once, separated by spaces
➜  rm -r nonEmptyDir1 nonEmptyDir2  nonEmptyDir3
Use the rm -r command and bracket expansion to delete multiple directories at once
➜  rm -r {a..c}_dir

Use the rm -rf command to force delete the non-empty directory without prompt
➜  rm -rf nonEmptyDir

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