Sino-US trade war, China will win!

Today, a spokesperson for the Chinese Ministry of Commerce said: “If the two sides can reach an agreement, all the tariffs imposed by the United States must be abolished.

China will not yield!


Trump is too ignorant of the Chinese nation, too much to understand the determination of the party with a centralized power.

As far as China is concerned, the trade war will have an impact on it in the short term. But in the long run, the Trump trade war has awakened China and made China more aware of the importance of mastering core technology.

Even if Trump once again sells only the goods to China, it still cannot change China’s determination to achieve a technologically strong country, and it will only increase.

As far as the United States is concerned, no matter how successful the trade is, they will set a strong technological “enemy” for themselves.

Even if the United States is tough and does not want China to sell technology products, China’s financial strength and political party’s determination can basically “not take care of the United States at all”.

Don’t forget what China has experienced.

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