Linux `ls` and `grep` Command Usage: 10 Practical Examples

In Linux, you can use a combination of the ls and grep commands to filter the output of ls based on specific patterns or strings. This is particularly useful for searching through directory contents for files that match certain criteria. Here are some examples of how to use ls with grep:

  1. Find files in the current directory that contain “log” in their name:
   ls | grep 'log'
  1. List all .txt files in the current directory:
   ls | grep '\.txt'
linux ls and grep
  1. Show hidden files (starting with a dot) and then filter for a specific pattern:
   ls -a | grep 'pattern'
  1. List files in the current directory and filter out directories:
   ls -l | grep -v '^d'
  1. Find files sorted by size in descending order and then filter for a pattern:
   ls -lSr | grep 'pattern'
  1. Search for files with a specific extension in a directory and its subdirectories:
   ls -R | grep '\.java'
  1. List all files in the current directory and filter out those with a certain string in their name:
   ls | grep -v 'string_to_exclude'
  1. Combine ls with grep to find files modified after a certain date (assuming the file date contains the date you’re interested in):
   ls -lt | grep "$(cat date)"
  1. List files and use grep to filter by file type (e.g., regular files that do not start with ‘d’ for directories):
   ls -l | grep -v '^d'
  1. Use grep to filter ls output by file permissions (e.g., files that are writable):
    bash ls -l | grep 'w'

Remember that grep is case-sensitive by default. To perform a case-insensitive search, use the -i option with grep. The pipe | is used to pass the output of one command (ls) to another (grep), allowing you to filter the results based on the pattern provided to grep.

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