Tag Archives: linux command

linux groups command tutorial: groups syntax and groups examples

linux groups command – print the groups a user is in. Examples:View the currently logged in user or the group to which the specified user belongs Continue reading

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How to using multiple delimiters in awk and sed

Multiple delimiter-separated fields in awk or sed.
Using awk command:
➜ awk -F'[:=|]’ ‘{print $1, $2, $3}’ test.log;
Using sed command:
➜ sed ‘s/[:=|]/ /g’ test.log Continue reading

Posted in Awk Command, File & Directory, How to, Sed Command, Text Processing | Tagged , , , , , , | 3 Comments

mv command tutorial in linux/unix with examples and use cases

linux mv command – move (rename) files or directories. Examples:Move multiple files,move just files, move overwrite files and backup,move multiple files … Continue reading

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cp command tutorial in linux/unix with examples and use cases

linux cp command – copy files or group of files or directories. Examples:Copy a file, Copy multiple files to directory, Copy directory and files, using option -p … Continue reading

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How to search all files with specific text on Linux?

How to search all files with specific content in Linux system? Use the grep to search for specific content, Use the find and grep to search for specified… Continue reading

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head command tutorial in linux/unix with examples and use cases

Linux head command – output the first part of files. Print the first 10 lines of each FILE to standard output. With more than one FILE, precede each with a header giving the file name. Continue reading

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echo command tutorial in linux/unix with examples and use cases

linux echo command – one of the most commonly used commands and is commonly used in scripting languages ​​to display a line of text/string on a standard output or file. Continue reading

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cat command tutorial in linux/unix with examples and use cases

linux cat command – concatenate files and print on the standard output. This article shares the syntax, options, and usage examples for the cat command. Continue reading

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tail command tutorial in linux/unix with examples and use cases

linux tail command – output the last part of files, it corresponds to the linux head command. This article introduces the tail syntax, options, and examples. Continue reading

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w command tutorial in linux/unix with examples and use cases

linux w command – Show who is logged on and what they are doing. w displays information about the users currently on the machine, and their processes. Continue reading

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passwd command tutorial in linux/unix with examples and use cases

linux passwd command – modify a user’s password.This post shares the syntax, options, related system files, return values, and common usage examples. Continue reading

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How to check which group the specify user belongs to

This article shares how to view the current login user of Linux system, how to view the current user’s group, and how to view the specified user’s group. Continue reading

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Linux top command tutorial: top syntax and top examples

Linux top command is frequently used in daily production, and is mainly used to view load, resource conditions, and process and thread conditions. Continue reading

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How to remove directory or file using the command line in Linux system

linux rm command can remove directory or file. If the permissions of the file do not permit writing, and the standard input device is a terminal, the user is prompted (on the standard error output) for confirmation. About linux file … Continue reading

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linux chmod/chown syntax and chmod/chown examples

linux chmod change file modes or Access Control Lists. chmod [options] mode file;linux chown change file owner and group. chown [options] owner[:group] file Continue reading

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