sed tutorial: sed add line after match

Sed add line after match, you can use sed function: a , to add a new line after the matched string.


➜  sed '/option/a newLine' file


In the following sed example, we will introduce how to add a new line after specifying the matching content. E.g, Add a new line after the line containing the string “hello”: “sed add a new line”

➜  ~ sed '/hello/ased add a new line' test.log
sed add line after match

In addition to adding new lines after matching content, sed can also add new lines after specifying the line number. E.g:

Add a new line after the first line: “sed add a new line”

➜  ~ sed '1ased add a new line' test.log

Add a new line after the last line: “sed add a new line”

➜  ~ sed '$ased add a new line' test.log

We can use sed Na (0<N<=number of file lines) to add a new line after any line.

In the above example, we can use the sed command to add a new line after any specified line or specified content.

We can add a new line after all the lines.

➜  ~ sed '/$/ased add a new line' test.log

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